
Beauty Close your eyes, see yourself as you are in the mirror of your mind.  Then, speak these words slowly.   To your  heart.  That heart that knows itself better than the you that sees itself in the mirror :   In the centre of all is divine beauty.  In the silence rings a threnody of truth – clIMG_2100oser and closer, its whisper in your ear, “You are beauty.  You are enough.  Come, my love, to know yourself.  To know.  You.”   A flower is.  A flower Is.  There is no effort to be a more perfect version of flower.  Nor is it possible to remove or create a single iota of personal presence of Flower.  There is no need in a flower.  A flower IS.  You are a flower.   You are perfect.  Divine.  Beauty.  Step truthfully.  Honestly.  For in the truthful tread is love.  Allow yourself to sit, looking at the flower inside you.  The flower that is you.  Fall into its beauty… it will blossom.  

Today, Love

Sit gently and speak quietly to your golden heart.

Are you tired, heart?  Have you tried too hard? Are you measuring yourself in the reactions of another? Do you feel the roil in your gut whose churning motor beats  inadequacy through your blood. Whose voice whispers constantly – ‘You could do better… ‘ ,  ‘You are not the right age’, ‘You are not thin, you are not fit’, ‘You are not enough…’  ‘You’ll never be better no matter how hard you try…’

Love these shackles of madness for what they are.  In their childish dishonour of your beauty, see their limitations. For they have been along on your journey. They cling to you in the fear of rejection. They lash out at you like a drowning animal. They don’t want you to look deeper. They don’t want to lose you.

Soothe them to sleep in the cradle of your heart. Nestle them lovingly there and let their terror dissolve. For your heart is a mighty ocean that floods and washes away their anxiety and spite, leaving clean bonIMG_1933es. They are what brought you here. To this point.
